Keeping the Blue Courage Momentum Going inspire me

Oftentimes, after sharing the Blue Courage philosophy with an agency or organization, the Blue Courage team is asked the questions, “Where do we go from here?” and “How do we keep the Blue Courage momentum going at our agency?”

Below is a great example of adopting the Blue Courage philosophy into an agency’s culture. The Tempe Police Department has begun to...

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Blue Courage Moment – Service Oriented Cops in Mukilteo PD inspire me

Blue Courage Moment: A story that occurred this morning, shared with us in the Mukilteo PD class by the Chief.

This is Andy Jones on the right and Andy Illyn in the middle. The two officers asked a homeless man to leave the post office lobby where he’d spent the night. He hadn’t eaten in a day or two. These two officers are pictured here getting him breakfast and coffee and hope to...

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Article: β€œIn Darkness We Must Glow” by Blue Courage Team Member Kristen Ziman inspire me

In Darkness We Must Glow

The concept of “de-policing” has been used in the media to describe a de facto police strike, where the police withdraw an aspect of their crime prevention services. It has been suggested that NYPD is engaging in this practice as a result of the officers who were assassinated following the public outrage of the deaths of unarmed, black offenders.


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